Tribal Court

0284 DSH86929x

Mission Statement

Our mission is to enhance and strengthen tribal sovereignty and justice while honoring community values, protecting rights, and promoting well-being.

Tribal Court Fees

View a full list of Tribal Court Fees.

List of Fees


Family Court

Adoption of Child $360

Child Custody and Visitation $285

Grandparent Visitation $285

Child Support $335

Modification of Child Support $150

Dissolution of Marriage $365

Fees for packets/hard copy $14

General Court

Civil Complaint $285

Change of Name $285

Temporary Restraining Order – Harrassment $285

Temporary Restraining Order – Domestic Violence $0

Notice of Motion/Motion Response $100

Probate $285

Guardianship $285

Conservatorship $285

Fees for packets/hard copy $14

Judgment Creditors

Enforcement of Foreign Judgment (Less than $5,000) $285

Enforcement of Foreign Judgment (More than $5,000) $335

Motion for Garnishment of Per Capita Benefits $285


Digital recording of hearing $100

Certified Copy of an Order (hard copy only) $14

Copies - per report/case (paper) $14

Copies of Orders - emailed (paid in advance) $14


Appellate Court/Response to Appeal $750

Filing Motion to Appeal/Response $100


Admission to Practice or Renewal $350


Officiate $100

Tribal Citation Fines

View a full list of Tribal citation fines.

List of Fines

Fail to comply with lawful order of Police$75.002.1
Obstruction of Police Officer$300.002.1
Leave scene of accident with injuries$150.002.6
Leave scene of accident without injuries$75.002.6
Fail to provide info or assist at accident$75.002.6
Fail to report accident with substantial damage or injury$75.002.6
Drive over/through barricade$75.002.4
Dumping trash or waste$150.002.11
Defacement or removal of signs$125.002.5
Fail to display current plates$85.002.17
Operation without proper equipment$150.002.15
Careless Driving$200.002.9
Violation of school bus stop arm$150.002.4
Unsafe Speed$85.002.10
Speeding 1 -10 miles over limit$95.002.10
Speeding in excess of 10 mph over limit$110.002.10
Speeding in excess of 20 mph over limit$225.002.10
Speeding in excess of 30 mph over limit$350.002.10
Unreasonable acceleration$140.002.11
Passing Violations$100.002.11
Illegal u-turn$75.002.11
Following vehicle too closely$100.002.11
Fail to yield$100.002.11
Fail to stop$100.002.11
Turning and starting violations$100.002.11
Headlight/turn/taillights/license plate/reflectors$85.002.15
Fail to use seatbelt$85.002.16
Child restraint$85.002.16
Equipment violation$125.002.15
Muffler violation$100.002.15
Windshield prohibitions$75.002.15
Tinted windows$85.002.15
Parking Violation$100.002.11
Handicapped parking violation$400.002.13
Bumper restrictions$100.002.15
Vehicle registration$85.002.17
Fail to provide proof of insurance$225.002.17
Fail to carry valid insurance$250.002.17
Open bottle violation$150.002.8
Alcohol violation (possess, consume, furnish)$200.002.3, 2.1, 2.2
Drug Violation$125.003.1
Possession of drug paraphernalia$100.003.2
Expired drivers license$125.003.4
Expired tabs$85.002.11
Driving without a valid license (DAS / DAR / DAC$250.003.4
Driving w/o license in possession, fail to display$100.003.4
Fail to obtain new license after changing name/address$75.003.1
Curfew Violation$125.001.4, 1.5, 1.6
Recreational vehicle violationLevel 1 - $250

Level 2 - $500
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.3, 4.4
Community misconduct/Public urination$125.002.0B
Identification violation$125.003.4(B)
Trespass1st - $100.00

2nd - $200.00 

3rd - $600.00 

4th - $1,000.00
Dog at large1st - $100.00 

2nd - $200.00 

3rd - $600.00 

4th - $1,000.00

Contact the Tribal Court

All correspondence for the Tribal Court should be sent to: Prairie Island Tribal Court 5636 Sturgeon Lake Road Welch, Minnesota 55089

The Court consists of a Chief Judge, an Appellate Court, a Clerk of Court, Guardian ad Litem, and a Probation Officer. According to the Judicial Code of the Prairie Island Indian Community there are no Ex Parte communications allowed. If you have any questions or communications for the Court they should be directed to the Tribal Court Administrator, Deb English, at or 651-385-4161.

How to Become Licensed to Practice in Tribal Court

To become licensed to practice law in our Tribal Court is easy. Complete and submit an application, provide proof that you are licensed to practice law before the highest court of any state, provide an affidavit that the applicant has studied and is familiar with the Constitution and By-laws of the Tribe, our Code, and all other Ordinances of the Tribe, Title 25 of the United States Code, and Title 25 of the Code of Federal Regulations. View Prairie Island Tribal Ordinances.

Currently Licensed Attorneys in Prairie Island Indian Community Tribal Court

Matt Begeske 218-340-8678

Adam Blahnik 952-447-4424

Rhia Bornmann Spears 612-599-7860

Patrick Burns 952-564-6230

Gary Debele 612-672-3600

Jack DeWalt 612-886-3775

Timothy Dillon 507-263-4654

Erika Nutt Donner 952-460-9251

Jessica Dulz 612-672-3604

Joe Halloran 651-644-4710

Ryan Kaess 651-204-0963

Ryan Lawrence 612-349-6969

Adam Lodermeier 651-388-2833

Arthur Martinez 312-333-6000

Richard McGee 612-812-9673

Jerome Miranowski 612-766-7000

Karen Mohrlant 612-333-7309

Rachel Osband 612-822-4095

Joe Paiement 651-967-5050

Josh Peterson 612-766-7000

Kemi Rampi 612-269-2794

Leif Rasmussen 952-345-8265

Suzanne Remington 952-460-9228

Bruce Rivers 612-332-3939

Ken Schueler 507-288-9111

Tammy Swanson 651-739-9615

Clayton Tyler 612-333-7309

Megan Yates 952-806-9787

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